I’m sure you’ve been hearing about digital fashion. Basically, clothes that only exist in virtual space. For a while it’s been the domain of people people buying or making clothing and accessories for their avatars or other virtual characters, but there’s a new raft of platforms that allow people to design their own clothes using generative AI for production in real life.
I was playing around with Silic.ai, where you can create a shirt using text-based prompts and then sell it.
Here is the shirt for “The Earth passes through successive phases, so that it can no longer bear what it could, and it can now what it could not before”:
This one is “An artist in the current age is not an individual, but rather a hub of creative activity.” Quote from artist Annicka Yi.
And: “We need to give creators access to the latent space.” No one specifically has said this (or everyone has been saying things like it). Putting it here because I agree.
Hawt! and only $39.99!
Does the AI platform mess with visual images too?