If in the future everything online is completely personalized, what will happen to interfaces and the shape of them? The goals of them?
This was a fragment rolling around my brain last week but today I find out that the ability to completely customize your internet experience is literally already available. I just read about Boost, which allows you to change anything on any website to the font, colour, layout etc that you’d like to see. You can also “zap” buttons etc that you don’t want.
This is going to be very weird for collective experience. A few possible impacts…
Customer success hell: Can you imagine doing customer support in the future, with people trying to explain what they are or are not seeing? Customer success teams are already in the ninth circle of hell. Old people will telephone them and be like “I can’t see the submit button.” “Sir, it’s on the left hand side, or did you accidentally zap it off?”
Although it would be good in real life for things like getting rid of the popcorn button on your microwave.
I have chosen to make my microwave look like this.
I’ll be there in a second I just have to update my facebook page
What was the name of that place again that had the risotto? Wait what did you do to my computer