Put a gargoyle on it
So you know how when you go to Rome or other intensely beautiful cities in Europe and you basically walk around with the Stendhal Syndrome because the artworks and the built environment are so fantastically gorgeous that you feel faint, have heart palpitations, or experience hallucinations simply by being in their proximity?
**“Stendhal syndrome is said to develop as a result of encountering something overwhelmingly beautiful. Visual and architectural arts are the most common causes.”
And you can’t believe someone created that…
…even when the works of art depict coneheads…
…edgy situations…
…or flying angel heads throwing shade?
And then you return to Vancouver and your nausea and heart palpitations arise because you can’t believe someone built this?
Or this?
Living in North America it’s hard not to wonder what happened to us as a civilization.
But I bring all this up because I’ve come across this project called Monumental Labs, which is building “AI-enabled robotic stone carving factories” so that we can “create cities with the splendor of Florence, Paris, or Beaux-Arts New York, at a fraction of the cost.”
Monumental Labs is taking commissions and is looking to partner with builders and architects. If this project comes to fruition, in 20 years we could be living in a continent of midjourney experiments.